Winter Solstice

Sound Bath

with Amanda savoie

December 21 | 5-6:30pm | Shanti bedford



We’re Celebrating the winter Solstice!

Join us for a special winter solstice sound bath:

A meditative and celebratory experience that honours the winter solstice—the longest night and the turning point toward increasing light in the year. This sound bath will include crystal singing bowls, koshi chimes, and a wave drum to create a relaxing and immersive soundscape that encourages introspection, renewal, and release.

Participants lie down and are “bathed” in sound while being guided through a series of tones and vibrations, reflecting the themes of the solstice: letting go of the old, embracing stillness, and setting intentions for the return of light. The experience is designed to promote a sense of peace, grounding, and alignment, aligning participants with the rhythms of nature and marking a meaningful transition into the next phase of the year.


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