Trouble Booking

Classes Online?

Don’t worry. We’re here to help.



Booking Classes on a desktop, or from a web browser:

To sign up online from our website, click HERE to view our schedule. Next to whichever class you wish to attend, select Sign Up. This will prompt you to log into your Mindbody account, or create one if you don’t have one already.

*Please note that you may have a membership or pass with us, but not on online login. If this is the case, Mindbody will recognize your first & last name, or your email address in the account creation process in order to connect the pass you already have with the online account you are creating.

Booking classes using the mindbody app

You can also book your classes directly from the Mindbody App. You can download the app from the App Store on iOS or from the Google Play store on Android.

If you are using the app for the first time, you must create a login with the mindbody app. Make sure to use the exact same email and password you use for your Shanti Mindbody account. If you are having trouble connecting your mindbody app with your Shanti membership or pass, please see the below troubleshooting and connection instructions.

Manually sync your MINDBODY accounts

To complete this process, you'll need to know the email address and password used with the missing businesses.

To start, tap on the Profile icon at the bottom right corner of your screen. Then, tap Settings gear, then Resend account confirmation email at the top.

Now check your Inbox for the verification email—it should arrive very shortly!

Open this verification email and click the enclosed link and find: 

"Search for a business" section at the bottom of the screen

  1. Enter the name of the missing business, and tap Search.

  2. Tap on the name of the business you would like to sync.

  3. Enter the email address and password you use with this business.

  4. Tap Sign In.